Medicines have benefits and some have risks. Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist or you have side effects see your health professional. Brands and generics both contain the same active ingredient(s) and are medically equivalent. Some brands are marketed under different names by the same manufacturer depending on the country of origin. Images are provided as a reference only, the received medicine may vary in packaging, color, pill shape, etc, from one batch to the next. For an item marked "generic" any quality brand may be sent, however you will always receive the active ingredients ordered in the strength(s) ordered.
Folic acid is used in a wide variety of medical conditions, from treating depression to cancer. It's most well known, however, in preventing certain congenital birth defects in pregnant women, and it is for this purpose that the majority of patients buy folic acid.
Also know as folate or vitamin B9, folic acid produces no known side effects when used at lower levels, though what low level dosage means can vary by country---in most places it's somewhere between 800 mcg to 1000 mcg (0.8 mg to 1 mg) per day. Effects from higher doses (over 1000 mcg per day) are disputable, and none are fatal.
In addition to preventing birth defects, patients may buy folic acid to treat or prevent:
Note that while folic acid does provide benefit in some cancers it can be detrimental in others, sometimes seriously so---there's even a medication available that inhibits folic acid metabolism in the body, called methotrexate.
Preventing Birth Defects
Folic acid is very well studied with respect to certain birth defects; there's virtually no question that it works to prevent them. In particular with respect to proper development of the neural tube, which begins developing in the third week of pregnancy and eventually turns into the spinal column and brain, folic acid is known to help it develop and close correctly. In those deficient in folic acid the neural tube may not close properly, resulting in neural tube defects (NTDs) that range from painful and unsightly to lethal within hours of birth. Most common include:
Note that folate deficiency is not the only cause of NTDs, but it is among the more common.
Pregnant women who buy folic acid supplements see a reduction of around 30% to 70% of NTDs, and there's also around a 30% reduction in congenital heart defects.
Most medical authorities recommend women who are trying to conceive or are pregnant buy folic acid supplements, though there is some variety in duration. One year to three months prior to trying to conceive is common, and once pregnant, through the first trimester is standard. Some recommend continuing supplementation through the entire pregnancy and until finished breastfeeding.
Dosing is somewhat difficult to quantify as there's so many opinions. As a rough guideline:
Other effects are less clear. There are conflicting studies as to folic acid reducing rates of autism, severe language delays, and emotional problems in children exposed to adequate levels during pregnancy; some studies notice no difference, while other say cognitive issues are reduced.
Buy Folic Acid from a Trusted Source
Kiwi Drug is proud to offer folic acid to our clients around the world. This critical vitamin is useful in many applications, as can be seen from the assortment of products above; nearly all patients of any age can benefit from folic acid supplementation.
We are an authentic pharmacy, subject to the same regulatory oversight as our real-world counterparts and backed by an international network of brick & mortar pharmacies to ensure your medications are safe and authentic. Our world-class customer service will handle your order with care, and we will never share your personal information with anyone for any reason.
A prescription is needed to buy some folic acid products at Kiwi Drug. If you don't have one you may want to take advantage of our online doctor services:
Patients who already have a prescription to buy folic acid will be given options to transfer it to us upon completing checkout. Alternatively, you can browse the above products until finding one that doesn't require a prescription.
As always, we're here for you any time if you have any questions or need a hand with your order.
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